We offer specialized services to meet all connectivity needs at bank branches, ATMs and retail.
We are leaders because
We are experts
We have in-depth knowledge of main connectivity standards (J/XFS, XFS and Xpeak).
We are efficient
We respond quickly and are flexible. We can adapt to the needs of all our projects.
We are accessible
We know that communication with the client is the foundation a project's success is built on.
We are innovative
We are involved in several R+D projets, which means we are at the cutting edge of new technologies.
Development and consulting
We develop drivers (J/XFS, XFS, Xpeak or customized) for any device on the market.
We participate in consulting, development and QA projects with a highly-specialized degree of architecture in devices and in self-service.
We offer different development and consulting formulas:
01 On-site development
We provide specialized resources at the client’s facilities.
02 Customized development
We undertake full responsibility for the project. If necessary, we provide in-house products or solutions to meet specific requirements.
Our vast experience in device connectivity standards means we are one of the best-equipped companies to train on XFS, J/XFS and Xpeak.
We have designed a series of courses on the technology we are experts in to provide our clients and distributors with the knowledge and skills they need:
01 XFS Service Providers development in C/C++
02 J/XFS Device Services in Java
03 Xpeak Services development in Java
04 Application development based on device standards
Approval and testing
We offer services to our clients (manufacturers, software companies and banks) to help them conduct their approval tests for ATMs or J/XFS or XFS drivers.
To learn more about our devices and ATM services, write to us at info@serquo.com